Almooooooooooost done:) I will be picking it up probably later today from the shop where it was clearcoated ( Thank's Ryno!!!) .. took a peek at it last night and it was coming along very well. and hopefully get a chance to cut and buff it later today:)
but here it is without clearcoat, it's a little washed out because of the reflection as I had to turn down the lighting..

Ready for my Closeup ( or Clear)
And NOW for the step by step- Cue the Old Western Style Piano music please!!!!:)
Once I grind down the metal with the shape and texture I wanted, I proceed and paint the negative spaces, this allows for the shadows to pop out then further push them back by layering down your Kandy colours ( in this piece I used Hok kk013-Burple)

Then I make sure to STAY WITH IN THE LINES!!! ( believe it or not :)-) and layer Hok kk015-Teal for the swatch of colour in the foreground again keeping in mind the light source of the painting.

NOW comes the fun part * NOTE- not for the faint of heart
I use laquer thinner to wash out most of the painting, In this step I have got to let go BUT be in control at the same time ( Be the Paint AND laquer thinner at the same time- Zen it out Lol)
-I Lift up a corner then allow the Laquer thinner to run a certain direction then anothe direction-
adding more or less thinner in some parts.. This will give it the FLOW I am looking for

Once I am satisfied with the FLOW of the piece I go back and push back the shadows further by mixing some Hok kk013- Burple and Hok kk007- Rootbeer, this mixture will give me a natural graduated value from light to a darker shade mostly on the right side of the painting.

After layering some Hok kk002- Lime Gold I didn't really like how the green turned out
(Yellow+ Blue= Green) Coming back with the Laquer thinner I run the paints again toning down the green while still leaving the yellow I wanted

I let the paint dry ( which took a while 'coz it was ccccccccold in my studio), I use a grinder and a couple grits of sandpaper to achieve the desired highlights.. THEN it's READY for CLEAR:))
Here it is FINALLY Cleared and ready to be signed and framed:)