I was watching the Colbert report online last night and he interviewed Sheppard
Fairey. I thought to myself
hmmmm now that name sounds familiar. Then it came to me "OBEY" and along with that thought came " OH NO
The interview was about the Unofficial "Official" Poster. And how he says that he is a "criminal" but would like to extend his support by acting on his own and "creating" the now "in"famous poster
( this is the most "..." I have used in a whole)
then I started thinking.. Hey isn't this the same guy who PLAGIARIZED anti-establishment posters? It seems that his artistic philosophy is somewhat ironic. Whole idea behind his "creations" is about how we get comfortable with the establishment and that we must "OBEY" -
I have been to one of his shows and it makes me wonder, with all the anti-establishment and anti-consumerism works on the wall most of the people there seemed like drones wearing "OBEY" jackets, shirts and trucker hats- it seems that Mr.
Fairey frees people from an an establishment only to be locked in by HIS version of establishment where he he tells people to dress themselves- very similar to North Korea doesn't it? Not convinced with my own opinion of his art I came upon a very interesting article;
Obey Plagiarist Shepard Fairey
A critique by artist Mark Vallenhttp://www.art-for-a-change.com/Obey/index.htm
A very interesting insight to the artist's works and also a validation of what I have expressed.